HoD, Assistant Professor

[email protected]

Date Joined : 2001-10-10


Orientation / Refresher Course Attended

  • Refresher Course in Mathematics from 19/02/2004 to 10/03/2004 at ASC, University of Calicut
  • Orientation Programme  from 23/01/2009 to 19/02/2009 at ASC, University of Calicut
  • Refresher Course in Mathematics from 02/12/2009 to 22/12/2009 at ASC, University of Calicut
  • Refresher Course in Information Communication Technology from 10.03.2011 to 30.03.2011 at ASC, University of Calicut
  • Refresher Course in Computer Science from 10/08/2016 to 30/08/2016 at ASC, University of Calicut



 Seminar/ Conferences / Workshop attended 


  • Participated Five day Faculty Development Programme on Naac Accreditation-Way Forward to Quality Education Organized by AMP in Collaboration with Aligarh Muslim University from 11/12/2023 to 15/12/2023.
  • Participated in the International Conclave on Generative AI and the Future of Education co-organized by the Higher Education Department of the Government of Kerala and the Institute of Human Resource Developmentfrom 30/09/2023 to 01/10/2023.
  • Participated 3 day National level Online Faculty Development Programme on The ABC of N Accreditations  Organized by AMP in Collaboration with Moulana Azad University from 28/09/2023 to 30/09/2023.
  • One Week Faculty Development Programme on Academic Administration from 06/08/2022 to 12/08/2022 at Teaching Learning Centre , Ramanujan College, University of Delhi.
  • Attended Science Academies Lecture Workshop on Harmonic Analysis from 06/12/2017 to 07/12/2017.
  • Participated in the 3 day National Seminar on Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications organized by T.M.G.College Tirur from 25/02/2015 to 27/02/2015
  • Attended the Training Programme from 21st May 2012 to 26th May 2012 Conducted by Kerala State IT Mission on Skill Enhancement Computer Training and Women Resource Center  in Colleges of Kerala.
  • Attended in the National Seminar on Foundations Of Analysis Conducted by Kerala Mathematics Association at PSMO College Tirurangadi from 23/11/2011 to 24/11/2011.
  • Participated in the International  Forum for Inter Disciplinary Mathematics at IIT Chennai from 06/01/2007 t0 08/01/2007
  • Attended the Workshop on Algebraic Topology  Organized by RMS from 27/07/2005 to 30/07/2005.
  • Participated in the 20th Annual Conference of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society held at University of Calicut  from 25/07/2005 to 26/07/2005.
  • As a resource Person in the tutorial Work in the Mathematics Talent Search and Nurture Programme-2005 held at University of Calicut for 5 days.
  • Attended  Dr. P. Kesavamenon Endowment Lectures Organized by Department of Mathematics, University of Calicut from 22/11/2004 to 24/11/2004.
  • As a resource Person in the tutorial Work in the Mathematics Talent Search and Nurture Programme-2004 held at University of Calicut for 8 days.
  • Attended the state level seminar on Fractals and Economic Dynamics organized by KMA held at P.S.M.O College, Tirurangadi on 23/10/2003.
  • Attended Prof.K.Ahammed Kutty snd Prof.N.V.Zulaikha Memorial Lectures organized by Department of Mathematics ,P.S.M.O College, Tirurangadi on 22/10/2003
  • Attended the Workshop for Mathematics Teachers in Connection with the Mathematics Talent Search and Nurture Programme held at University of Calicut from 08/03/2003 to 09/03/2003.
  • Participated in the Regional Seminar on Mathematics Organized by Kerala Mathematics Association held at University of Calicut on 11/11/2000.


Papers Presented 

  • ‘Decomposition of Harmonic Forms’  presented  in the 3 day National Seminar on Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications organized by T.M.G.College Tirur during 25-27 February 2015.
  •  ‘Hamiltonian Action on Semi direct products’ presented in the National Seminar on Foundations Of Analysis Conducted by Kerala Mathematics Association at PSMO College Tirurangadi during 23-24 November 2011.   
  • ‘On the Existence of Standard Momentum Maps’  presented at the 14th International Conference of Forum for Inter Disciplinary Mathematics at IIT Chennai during 6-8 January 2007.
  • Delivered an invited Lecture on the topic ’Invitation to Geometry’ organized by PSMO College, Tirurangadi on 14/12/2016.


Publications (Conference Proceedings/Journals/Book Chapters)

  • K. S. Subrahamanian Moosath and K. Fazeela Momentum maps on symplectic manifolds-I–Proc. of A.P. Akad. of Sciences, volume14,  part2, 47-68, 2012. (Special issue on the eve of National Mathematics Year. Guest Editor: Prof. V. Kannan, University of Hyderabad)
  • K. S. Subrahamanian Moosath and K. Fazeela Momentum maps on symplectic manifolds-II – Bulletin of Allahabad Mathematical Society, vol 30, part I, 1-28, 2015.
  •  K. S. Subrahamanian Moosath and K. Fazeela Division Property of the Momentum Map - An. St. Univ. Ovidus Constants, Vol 15(2), 29-34, 2007 ISSN : 1224-1784
  •  ‘Mathematics in Robotics – Lie Group Theory’ Chapter in the book Infinitude : Frontiers of Research in Mathematics , Statistics and Computer Science ,August  2016, ISBN : 9788 191070627.


  •  M.Sc Mathematics 1998
  • Ph.D in Mathematics 2008
  • B.Ed in Mathematics 1999


Subject Specialization In Differential Geometry