Event Details


On April 11, 2023, a session titled "Entrepreneurship-Challenges and Opportunities" was conducted by Mr. Ahammed Fayas, the Head of the Commerce Department at our institution. The session, lasting one and a half hours, was organized with the aim of providing valuable insights and knowledge on the subject of entrepreneurship. The audience comprised executive members, the IEDC Community of the college, and enthusiasts. Mr. Fayas commenced the session by providing a comprehensive overview of entrepreneurship, emphasizing its significance in the contemporary business landscape. He introduced the concept, highlighting the role of entrepreneurs in driving economic growth and innovation, and stressed the importance of fostering an entrepreneurial mindset. Furthermore, he discussed current and emerging trends in entrepreneurship, including digital business models and sustainable entrepreneurship. The session was highly interactive, with participants actively engaging in discussions, asking questions, and sharing their perspectives on entrepreneurship. Mr. Fayas encouraged open dialogue and shared real-life examples to illustrate the concepts discussed.
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