Assistant Professor


  • Assistant Professor 

    Sullamussalam Science College Areekode 


    -2011 Year -9 Month -8 Days




Subject Specialization In Fuzzy Graph Theory


  • On Different Types of Geodesic Numbers in Fuzzy graphs., Scholar''s Press, OmniScriptum Publishing Group,4/19/2019,Standard No : 978-613-8-83197-6

Conference Proceedings

  • k-s-Geodetic number and Perfect k-s-geodetic number of a fuzzy graph, Singularities,MESMAC International Conference - Existence & Expression: Science,Philosophy and Art,7/18/2017

Journal Article

  • On the geodetic iteration number and geodetic number of a fuzzy graph based on sum distance, IJARSET, 11/24/2020,

  • Geodesic Iteration Number of g-contour of a Fuzzy Graph, Fuzzy Information and Engineering, 11/12/2019 

  • Edge geodesic number of a fuzzy graph, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems,8/14/2019
  • Connected geodesic number of a fuzzy graph, Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics, 11/24/2018
  • Forcing geodesic number of a fuzzy graph , Journal of Physics Conference Series,11/18/2018
  • Perfect geodesic fuzzy graphs, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,5/24/2018
  • Minimum Geodetic Fuzzy Subgraph,Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics ,Elsevier., 11/4/2017